About Us

Mahender Singh PG College

MS Degree College is a unique Co-educational institution of higher learning where EDUCATION enshrines the concepts & philosophy to inspire young minds to achieve the highest standards of academic excellence. MSDC lays emphasis on overall development, growth and grooming of their all round individual personalities in commensurate with the challenges of 21st Century. MSDC Provides opportunities & facilities to the students to satisfy literary, cultural, spiritual, patriotic & innovative urges and aspirations. MSDC Induces utilization and channelization of their energies and potential towards constructive activities & programs specially designed for them in order to cultivate, inculcate and imbibe the qualities of successful professionals and entrepreneurs. MSDC is committed to impart education with specified & well

Full Day Sessions
Online Access
Varied Classes
Friendly Place

Our Courses

Department Of Arts

Course Subjects
Bachelor Of Arts Hindi English Economics
History Political Science Sociology
Drawing Painting Home Science
Master Of Arts Hindi History English
Political Science Drawing

Department Of Science

Bachelor Of Science Chemistry Physics Mathmetics
Chemistry Botany Zoology
Computer Science Physics Mathmetics
Master Of Science Chemistry Mathmetics Botany

Departmenet Of Commerce

Bachelor Of Commerce Computerrized Financial Accounting
Master Of Commerce All Subjects

Our Events

June 21
09:00 - 17:00
May 28
14:51 - 14:51
March 28
09:00 - 17:00

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